Why All the Earthquakes?

Five strong earthquakes have jolted Asia in the last several days. There have been 16 major earthquakes measuring 6.0 or higher in April alone and nine in the last seven days. The two biggest in this unprecedented wave of serious shakers just happened over the weekend in Ecuador with a mammoth 7.8 earthquake killing at least 77 people and a 7.0 in Kumamoto on Kyushu Island in southern Japan where three large earthquakes in three days have struck killing at least 41 people. Within the last two weeks, the tiny South Pacific island of Vanuatu alone has been hit with five major quakes. Four days ago a powerful 6.9 quake hit Myanmar killing two. And now with seven major shakers just in the last 96 hours alone killing at least 120 people, both laypeople and scientists alike  are growing more concerned about what may be coming next. 

On April 25th, it will be one year ago since that deadly 7.8 earthquakes in Nepal resulted in over 9,000 fatalities. But so far 2016 appears to even be more disastrous with seven 7.0 or larger earthquakes and 40 6.0 and larger ones already striking the earth’s surface. The epicenters of over half of the most serious earthquakes within the last 30 days have been relatively shallow (within 20 km or less than 12.4 miles from the earth’s surface), causing even more violent upheaval and earthly destruction. And all but a couple of the 20 largest earthquakes 6.0 or higher observed within this last month have erupted along the Pacific Ring of Fire in South America, Alaska, but mostly in Asia at a rate not seen in centuries, indicating cataclysmic earth changes currently taking place inside the earth’s core and crust that could be reacting to cataclysmic changes occurring within our solar system causing the Pacific tectonic plates to be simultaneously rupturing in multiple locations under intense built up pressures.Failed to rupture the locked portions of the Himalayan thrust beneath and west of the Kathmandu basin because of some persistent barrier of mechanical and structural origin.

An increased earthquake frequency is often accompanied by rising number of volcanoes becoming active as currently 38 around the globe are spewing ash clouds and molten lava. 

A mineral physicist named Friedemann Freund conducting research at NASA is exploring a way of providing ample enough warning time at least 24 hours prior to an earthquake. His theory involves detecting ionized air near and just above rock along the San Andreas Fault and in Alaska. Freund has confirmed that “whenever there was a moderate or big earthquake there was indeed a large increase in air conductivity.” His Global Earthquake Forecast System attempts to measure infrared radiation produced by tectonic stress. 

Those believing Nibiru/Planet X is hurtling closer to the earth carrying mile and a half wide asteroids, comets, and meteors that are causing major changes to our solar system would conclude it to be behind this frenzied seismic activity. Sightings of both Planet X and massive asteroids are frequently spotted by both astronomers and amateurs alike these days. With more reputable scientists taking Planet X seriously all the time, the latest pair expressing concern that it could destroy life on earth come from Cal Tech. 

The sudden increasing mass die-offs of countless animals are taking place on a near daily basis, the extreme weather events being witnessed all over the globe such as snow in Southeast Asia, the erratically high seismic activity recently observed at Yellowstone National Park abruptly taken offline and most recent nearby Shoshone River boiling in places where sulfuric acid vents more volcanic activity from the deep underground caldera, there is no doubt many profound and mysterious changes are occurring at an undisputable skyrocketing rate. Rapid changes have been discovered at the earth core that is linked to electromagnetic changes at earth’s surface. So the influx of recent earthquakes and volcanoes are merely consistent with the powerful changes unfolding from both insiders as well as outside the planet. Obviously, destabilizing human events and developments occurring within the corrosive, crumbling political and economic system reflect the much larger transformation occurring on the earth and entire solar system and beyond. 

The post Why All the Earthquakes? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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