Angela Merkel To Attend Bilderberg 2016 Meeting

Chancellor Angela Merkel has been invited to attend the 2016 Bilderberg conference in Dresden, Germany, the annual meeting of elitists which some accuse of being a secret cabal that manipulates world events.

According to a German-language Huffington Post report, which cites the Die Tageszeitung newspaper, Angela Merkel herself is on this year’s guest list and will meet with over 100 globalists from business, banking, media and academia.

Germany’s Federal Minister of Defence Ursula von der Leyen will also attend the confab alongside Federal Minister for Special Affairs Peter Altmaie and Sigmar Gabriel, the Vice-Chancellor of Germany. They will be joined by Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany’s Foreign Affairs Minister.

Left-leaning German economist Axel Troost criticized Merkel’s involvement, accusing her of being at the mercy of lobbyists and insisting that, “Government officials should not as a matter of principle” be allowed to participate.

Condemnation also came from the right, with publisher Jürgen Elsässer revealing that he would support protests against Bilderberg.

The right-wing populist AFD Party, which is now the third biggest political party in Germany, also expressed its opposition, asserting that Bilderberg was pushing a “neoliberal globalization agenda” that seeks to eliminate nation states and “undermine the democratic participation of national parliaments.”

Merkel’s attendance is notable given that she has overseen a policy which has led to a huge migrant influx into Germany. A new poll finds that two-thirds of Germans think she should not run for re-election in 2017.

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