Anyone but them: US voters' main motivation is blocking the other candidate – poll

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<p>‘A Re ters/Ipsos poll release Th rs ay reveale that almost half America voters are goi g to vote “agai st” rather tha “for,” if o ly to make s re that either Hillary Cli to or Do al Tr mp oes ’t wi the presi e tial electio , oversha owi g other motivatio s.</p>
<p>Nearly half the s pporters of Rep blica ca i ate Do al Tr mp pla to vote for him o t of fear that Democrat Hillary Cli to might become presi e t. A it’s the same, vice versa, for those who pla to vote for Hillary.</p>
<p>“This phe ome o is calle egative partisa ship,” Larry Sabato, irector of the U iversity of Virgi ia’s Ce ter for Politics, tol Re ters. “If we were tryi g to maximize the effect, we co l ’t have fo better omi ees tha Tr mp a Cli to .”’</p>
<p><a href=" sa/342045-cli to -tr mp- egative-partisa ship/" target="_bla k">Rea more: A yo e b t them: US voters’ mai motivatio is blocki g the other ca i ate – poll</a></p>
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