Are you a Mosquito Magnet?

Have you ever caught yourself itching all over due to mosquito bites while your friend right next to you is enjoying the outdoors without a single bite? It may seem completely unfair that you’re some kind of mosquito magnet while others barely need a bug spray. Well, the two main factors that attract a mosquito are smell and sight.

If you’re dressed in dark colors you are more likely to be spotted by mosquitoes than those dressed in brighter colors. Another factor is the smell. Mosquitoes can whiff out a person who exhales more carbon dioxide.

Aside from scent and sight, there are other factors that make you a likely target for mosquitoes.Natural home remedies for mosquito bites

Some natural remedies to ease the itch are to apply lotions and creams or nonprescription hydrocortisone cream. Furthermore, a paste made with baking soda and water can help relieve the itchiness as well. Applying cool compresses to bites can reduce itching and, of course, if the reaction is more severe antihistamines can reduce the reaction.

Lastly, if you have been bitten, do not scratch! It may be tempting, and you may think you’re getting some relief, but scratching will only cause more harm than good. Instead, opt for an over-the-counter after-bite solution or other natural soothing remedy.

You don’t have to let mosquitoes ruin your summer. By protecting yourself and being aware of your surroundings you can limit your chances of getting those pesky bites.

Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.

The post Are you a Mosquito Magnet? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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