Become a Libertarian

Walter Block, Ralph Raico, and I have founded a group called “Libertarians for Trump.” Its website,, designed and managed by Martin Moulton, seeks to advance Libertarian values and discussion in the 2016 Election and invites people to join the #LFT Movement.

I recount the beacons on the path I took to becoming a libertarian in “What Kerouac, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Practicing Medicine Have Taught Me About Liberty” for Why Liberty: Personal Journeys Towards Peace & Freedom, edited by Marc Guttman. [1] In Why Liberty, 54 people from all walks of life tell how they became libertarians. (Two particularly interesting ones are “The Significance of the Berlin Wall—an African Perspective” by Temba Nolutshungu and “From Political Apathy to Evangelist for Small Government” by Carla Howell.)

The cure for the current global financial crisis is a libertarian, free-market one based on Austrian economics. The Austrian economic cure for the Keynesian-induced economic illness that afflicts America is the only one that will work. [8]

When a nation’s economy starts collapsing its rulers will turn to war, which provides a handy excuse and explanation for the economic illness ravaging their country. The U.S. is close to engaging in a war against Russia, and possibly China. Alone among the remaining Republican and Democratic candidates running for president in the 2016 election, the only one who can keep the U.S. out of what could turn out to be a nuclear World War III is Donald Trump. I address this concern in “Trump: Our Only Hope for Escaping World War III” [9], which spurred Walter Block, Ralph Raico, Martin Moulton, me and my wife, Linda, to form and manage #LFT.

Check it out. Peruse the articles we put on Become a libertarian and sign up with #LFT at


1 – Miller DW.  “What Kerouac, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Practicing Medicine Have Taught Me About Liberty.” Available at:

2 – Ostrowski J.  “Trumping the Left” (April 21, 2016) Available at:  “

3 – Deist J. “The Sober Political Reality for Libertarians.” Available at:

4 – Maybury R.  Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused? (1995)

5 – “A Bird’s-Eye View of How The US Economy Is Falling Apart (In 4 Simple Charts).” Available at:

6 – Miller DW. “Modern Medicine at the Crossroads,” available at:

7 –Douglas JD. On the Political Theater. Available at:

8 – Miller DW. “The Austrian Cure for Economic Illness” Available at:

9 – Miller DW. “Trump: Our Only Hope for Escaping World War III.” Available at:

The post Become a Libertarian appeared first on LewRockwell.

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