Buying a New Handgun?

Originally published by

USA – It’s mid-2016, a critical election year for the U.S., and if you’re considering your first handgun purchase ahead of an unknown election outcome, you might be overwhelmed by the current array of choices.

Narrowing the field to one or two can be a real challenge for anyone, but especially for the new, or casual firearms enthusiast.

One of the first, most fundamental decisions you need to make is whether you want a revolver or a semi-auto pistol.

And it seems whenever you talk guns, everyone has an opinion and is all to happy to share it, whether you want it or not, and regardless of whether or not they own a gun themselves, or have ever actually even fired one. You’ll hear everything from, “Why do you need a gun?”, to, “Oh, you NEED to get this, or that… [insert brand and model of choice.]”

Some may suggest asking a Police Officer for recommendations, but not all Police Officers are gun guys and gals. You’ll certainly get a wealth of information if you find an Officer that is a true Firearms enthusiast – the department’s armorer is usually a solid bet – but if they don’t know much about guns and don’t want to admit it, you may simply get a recommendation for whatever’s in the holster at the time.

So, yeah, while seasoned experts may take these considerations for granted, it quickly gets daunting for the new shooter.

This is especially true while nervously standing at the gun counter, sensitive to other customers, interacting with a potentially grumpy know-it-all salesman, and probably at least a little distracted by all those powerful, awesome looking, bright shiny objects in the counter.

To help you cut through the vast array of available choices further, read my article “My Top Two Handgun Recommendations” that narrows down the field to two excellent recommendations, along with what I think makes them such great choices.

Please check it out and let me know what you think!

Reprinted with permission from

The post Buying a New Handgun? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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