Can You Spot the Trump Card? The Hillary Card?

First, we had to find the panda in a sea of snowmen. Then, we looked for the potato in a crowd of hamsters.

And now? Daily Mail Online wants you to find Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a pack of playing cards.

The Republican and Democratic front-runners’ faces are both hidden somewhere among the kings and queens in this illustrated image — but can you scope them out without a hint?

The pile of face cards is, truly, the perfect puzzle game for the pair, particularly because Trump, 69, continues to make snide comments about Clinton, 69, playing her ‘woman card’.

‘The only card she has is the woman card,’ he told Fox News Sunday, adding in an interview with Today: ‘Without the woman’s card, Hillary would not even be a viable person to even run for a city council position.’

In fact, from the frequency and manner in which he’s used the phrase, some have joked that the candidate seems to think the ‘woman card’ is an actual physical card Clinton carries in her wallet.

‘Mr. Trump accused me of playing the, quote, “woman card,”‘ she fired back. ‘Well, if fighting for women’s health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in.’

But whether Hillary’s playing the ‘woman card’ or hiding her face on a ‘Queen card’, this puzzle is the first of its kind to get political.

Drawn by artist Michael Rogalski exclusively for Daily Mail Online, it plays off the popular internet craze of these Where’s Waldo-style games.

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