China and Japan Advancing Asia Paradigm With Putin’s Strategic Support

Japan and China have both announced significant new capital investments in critical infrastructure in the past days, that will further advance what Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche have promoted for decades under the Eurasian Land-Bridge and World Land-Bridge design.

The Chinese government has announced plans to invest $750 billion over the next three years in rail and road projects in the most impoverished and isolated areas of the country.  Over 300 separate infrastructure projects will link these areas to regional agro-industrial hubs, with the aim of lifting every citizen of China above the poverty level by 2020!

China has, at the same time, announced plans to seek partner nations for exploration and development of the Moon, a project in which China has taken leadership for all of mankind.

Japan, as reported in recent days, has announced a $90.7 billion investment in the planned maglev line, linking Osaka in the south (“The Chicago of Japan”) to Nagoya and on to Tokyo. The project will entail the digging of tunnels through major mountains, posing major engineering challenges.  Already, test runs on the Japanese maglev system have produced speeds of over 600 kilometers per hour.

These announcements by the second and third largest economies in the world underscore the larger drive towards Eurasian integration, which has been also highlighted by the recent visits of India’s Prime Minister Modi to Iran, the Indian President Mukherjee to China, and upcoming delegations from China and Iran that will be going to Russia this week to plan out further scientific and technological collaboration.  Next month, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be meeting, and both Pakistan and India will be granted full membership status, with Iran also expected to be invited to launch the full membership process.  The SCO will thus soon incorporate half the population of the planet.

Contrast Russia’s “Asia pivot” with the war drive coming out of President Obama, heavily directed against both China and Russia.  Russian President Putin’s close friend, Maestro Valery Gergiev has announced a major concert series from July 30-August 10 in Vladivostok, which will feature the Mariinsky Threatre Orchestra, along with musicians and other performers from China, Japan, South Korea and other nations of the Pacific region, including the United States.

These profound initiatives, along with the looming breakdown of the Western—British Empire—financial system are behind the escalating war provocations coming out of London and Washington and NATO headquarters in Brussels.  As Lyndon LaRouche observed over the weekend, Japan is in the process of breaking free from the vise grip of the British Empire and Obama, as evidenced by the deadlock of the G7 heads of state and government meeting over Prime Minister Abe’s warnings about the financial crisis, and his and Hollande’s urging that Russia must be fully reintegrated into the G8.

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