Deficiency Can Be Deadly

The need for niacin (vitamin B-3) is often marginalized, even amongst the health conscious. Multivitamins and B-complex supplements typically contain only negligible amounts of it. Although ensuring an adequate intake of niacin should be paramount considering that about one out of every three people die from heart disease in the industrialized world, and clinical depression effects about one in every ten adults.

Niacin is an essential nutrient that we typically do not get enough of through our diets, due to depleted soils and processed foods. It is found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, and nuts. Niacin is vital for the proper digestion of foods, as well as maintaining nerve health and repair. It likewise maintains healthy skin.

Pellagra and Associated Diseases

Flushing is a condition that is often experienced after niacin supplementation; especially with beginning users or people who use tobacco products. Parts of the body (usually the face and upper chest) become rosy red for people experiencing niacin flushes. Niacin flushes may produce the sensations of hot flashes. Severe itching may occur or the sensation of a sunburn. Flushes may last for two hours. No pain is experienced, but the flushing can be a great annoyance.

Purchasing an optimal niacin supplement may not be a simple task because several forms are available. There is plain niacin, no-flush niacin, and time-released niacin. Time-release niacin can be dangerous, and has been known to cause terrible side effects, including hallucinations and insomnia. We strongly recommend against using time-released niacin because of these risks, and due to its inexcusable toxic impurities.

No-flush niacin is a fraud because it does not even contain niacin. It should be avoided. It is actually niacinamide, which is believed to be one of the compounds that is metabolized by the body from niacin. It is believed that the conversion process from niacin to niacinamide is what causes redness in the face and chest known as “flushing”. No-flush niacin attempts to skip this important biological step. The natural conversion of niacin to niacinamide is what reduces cholesterol and protects the arteries. Therefore, this lab-created biochemical does not help to reduce cholesterol, or protect the arteries. In addition, it is likely to cause liver damage with long-term usage. In other words, no-flush niacin is actually a dangerous chemical with no benefits, and it is not even niacin.

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