Government Loves To Pull the Trigger

I thought I’d seen it all as far as government stupidity until I started seeing headlines in the newspaper here in Tucson that read: “Another Bighorn Sheep Killed”. At first, I thought this was poachers. But, no, it was mountain lions doing what they do, which is kill animals to eat them. Yet, here goes the newspaper reporting this like it’s a murder and not what it really was, which is Nature’s version of a take-out dinner. Excuse me, but why is a mountain lion eating dinner a front-page story?

I’ll tell you why. The Arizona Game and Fish Department, in their infinite wisdom, introduced the endangered bighorn mountain sheep into mountains near Tucson. Of course, and you already guessed this, these mountains are also home to quite a sizeable population of mountain lions. Gee, Wally, I guess that’s why they call them MOUNTAIN lions, huh? So, obviously, the lions are preying upon the sheep because, hey, everyone loves mutton, what? But guess what the “solution” to this so-called problem is from the esteemed wildlife biologists in charge of this program? Right. Get up hunting parties and kill the mountain lions. Which, by the way, were also endangered species a few decades ago. Gosh, Eddie, that sure is a swell idea.success in because we’re technically stronger. Stronger doesn’t mean much in Nature where two microbes can enter into a transaction to create E. Coli 017:57 and defeat man. A launch crew sitting in a Minuteman 3 ICBM silo could eat an undercooked hamburger and be defeated. Stronger how?

We’ve given Bashar al-Assad until August 1st to step down or the United States says it will have to act to end the Syrian Civil War. Well, the U.S. government basically started it, so I guess they ought to end it, too. However, the lessons of the mountain lions tell us things probably will not go according to plan. No, I bet another U.S. invasion over there will rally everyone to eject the foreign interlopers. Rather like white blood cells act to destroy and eject invading pathogens in a body under attack by them. Once more, Nature teaches, but the U.S. government refuses to learn.

The thing is, when government game bureaucrats kill mountain lions, the lions cannot understand why they’re being shot. This is a futile gesture because you can’t even know this is the lion preying on the sheep. You just took a guess and pulled the trigger. I would say that’s exactly how the United States foreign policy is based: They just take a guess and pull the trigger.

The post Government Loves To Pull the Trigger appeared first on LewRockwell.

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