How To Make Your Home Fire-Safe

A couple of weeks ago one of my blogging colleagues lost everything she owned in a house fire.  Fortunately, the entire family, including the family pets, got out safely but everything they owned was gone.

Can you imagine this happening to you?  In a flash, you could potentially be homeless and have to deal with temporary shelter in a hotel or with family members as you sort through the rubble of your burnt out belongings.

And what about your preps?  Food storage, survival gear, and your precious print library of survival books would be gone.

I am not just referring to house fires.  Disasters of all types can and do occur.  Whereas many preppers are laser-focused on being ready for more epic disruptive events such as a pandemic, cyber-attack, or economic collapse, the reality is that a flood, tornado, hurricane, wildfire, earthquake or house fire are risks we live with on a daily basis.

Clear area around shut-off switches for easy access.

Attach a shut-off wrench or specialty tool to a pipe or other location close by the gas and water shut-off valves.

Paint shut-off valves with white or fluorescent paint to increase their visibility.

Check for Home Safety

Plan how to escape from your home in the event of an emergency.

Identify at least two exits from each room.

Clear doors, hallways and stairs of obstructions.

Conduct emergency drills.  Practice day and nighttime escapes, and pick a safe meeting place outside the home.

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The post How To Make Your Home Fire-Safe appeared first on LewRockwell.

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