I Don’t Appreciate the Military

In addition to this being Memorial Day, the month of May is Military Appreciation Month. This follows Month of the Military Child in April. Upcoming in November is Month of the Military Family. I suppose that soon enough every month will be designed something related to the military.

I didn’t celebrate Military Appreciation Month. I didn’t read President Obama’s proclamation. I didn’t thank any soldiers for their service. I didn’t knowingly shake the hand of anyone in the military. I didn’t visit anyone in a VA hospital. I didn’t visit a war monument or memorial. I didn’t visit a military cemetery. I didn’t fly the American flag outside of my house. I didn’t attend a church service where members of the military were recognized. I didn’t attend any “tribute to the troops” celebrations. I didn’t attend a USO comedy show like President Obama did. In fact, I not only didn’t recognize Military Appreciate Month, I don’t appreciate the military.

I don’t appreciate the military fighting senseless wars.

I don’t appreciate the military carrying out an aggressive, reckless, and belligerent U.S. foreign policy.

I don’t appreciate the military sponsoring race cars.

I don’t appreciate the military creating terrorists and insurgents because of its interventions.

I don’t appreciate the military carrying out drone strikes that regularly miss their targets.

I don’t appreciate the military changing foreign regimes.

I don’t appreciate the military advertising on television.

I don’t appreciate the military fighting wars that are not constitutionally declared.

I don’t appreciate the military lying to potential recruits.

I don’t appreciate the military unleashing sectarian violence in the Middle East.

I don’t appreciate the military making us less safe because of its interventions.

I don’t appreciate the military going where they have no business going.

I don’t appreciate the military bombing wedding parties in Afghanistan.

Fifty is enough. I think you get the point why I don’t appreciate the military.

If the things I have listed are true, and I have no doubt that they are, then why do so many people who ought to know better—including some libertarians—still go out of their way to try to find something to appreciate about the military? Are they military idolators?

I might appreciate the military if it actually defended the United States, secured U.S. borders, protected U.S. soil, guarded U.S. shores, patrolled U.S. coasts, and enforced no-fly zones over U.S. skies instead of doing these things in other countries. I might appreciate the military if it were a global force for good instead of evil. I might appreciate the military if it actually defended our freedoms.

The post I Don’t Appreciate the Military appeared first on LewRockwell.

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