If You’re an Adult, Good Luck

It appears to be a simple maths question on first glance, but this brainteaser is the latest to have the internet scratching its head.

A debate has erupted over the correct answer to the problem, which reads: 9 – 3 ÷ 1/3 + 1 = ?

The question originally went viral in Japan, where reportedly only 60 percent of adults could get the right answer.

A debate has erupted over the correct answer to this problem, which originally went viral in Japan 

A debate has erupted over the correct answer to this problem, which originally went viral in Japan 

While the answers have ranged from three to nine, the correct solution relies on a basic rule that you probably learnt at school – but have most likely never thought about since.

The rule, which is remembered using the acronym BODMAS, tells you the order that you must do mathematical operations in – as explained in a video by a maths expert.

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The post If You’re an Adult, Good Luck appeared first on LewRockwell.

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