Is Donald Trump the Candidate From Hades?
Those who got Donald Trump totally wrong in the nomination process, still have not figured out why.
Thus, it’s no surprise they are still wrong now.
I propose, that instead of being the demise of the Republican party, Donald Trump will be its savior.
Still Not Getting It
Let’s kick the discussion off with Nate Silver’s analysis Why Republican Voters Decided On Trump.
Donald Trump is going to win the Republican nomination. If you’d told me a year ago that Trump would be the nominee, I’d have thought you were nuts.
For a candidate like Trump to win the nomination, it means that several things have gone wrong — both for the Republican Party and in the assumptions we made about how party nominations work. The other day, I summed up the three most important such factors as follows:
What happened after Wisconsin? My theory as of a couple weeks ago — and having not gotten so many other things about the Republican race right, I’m sticking to it — is that Republican voters were swayed by Trump’s arguments that the candidate with the most votes and delegates should be the nominee.
Sticking With Dead Wrong
Ted Cruz cannot say the same thing.
Trump can also pick up Libertarians tired of war.
Millennials? They liked Bernie Sanders and many of them will sit this out.
Trump has “Make America Great Again”
What does Hillary have? “I am strong, I am invincible, I am a woman. Let’s bomb Libya”.
It matters not whether Trump can live up to the message. What matters now is whether or not people like the message.
This is about attitudes.
Pure Hell
In retrospect, Donald Trump is the “candidate from hell”.
- He will beat Clinton: Her Hell.
- He is the undoing of the neocon warmongers (of which Hillary is one): Their Hell.
In doing so, Trump will save the Republican party from itself. Even if Trump loses, purging the party of the neocons and the evangelicals is a good thing.
Reprinted with permission from Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis.
The post Is Donald Trump the Candidate From Hades? appeared first on LewRockwell.
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