Neocons Versus Trump

The United States primaries, which are intended to be the preparation for a confrontation between the Republicans and the Democrats, have progressively deviated to become a contest for the control of the Republican Party.

While on the side of the Democrats, the duel between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders may be resumed as experience in the service of the rich against idealism in the service of the greatest number, all attention is now focused on the combat opposing Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for the Republican nomination.

Cruz is a pure product of a private military «psychological operations» agency. In terms of foreign relations policy, he has gathered a team composed of people who were trained during the Cold War around senator Henry Scoop Jackson, and who remain hysterically anti-Soviet. He has taken a position against any form of legal limitation of US power, and thus against the very principle of international law.commander of the Forces in Europe. He slipped into the competition almost at the end and was massively nominated by the Republican Party Convention as their representative.

General Mattis is reputed to be an intellectual. He has collected a vast and celebrated private library on military strategy but seems to be interested in History only from this perspective. Today a researcher at the Hoover Institution (Stanford University), he came to Washington to consult and gave a conference at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). This think-tank, traditionally close to the oil industry, is today mainly financed by Saudi Arabia.

After having predicted a «horrible» future for the Near East, the «warrior monk» (according to the nickname given to him by his subordinates) concentrated on denouncing the peril of the Iranian Revolution, and calling for war against Iran. By doing so, he took over the programme that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had been obliged to give up when faced with the objections of the other Generals.

De facto, the confrontation which is looming opposes the partisans of Henry Kissinger’s realpolitik – who are attached to the principles of the Peace of Westphalia, in other words, an international order founded on the Nation-states – and the partisans of the neo-conservative ideal of global democratisation, in other words, the destruction of national identities and the imposition of a régime of universal governance. In a word, it’s the vision of Richard Nixon against that of the putschists of the 11th September.

Keep in mind :

- Donald Trump, candidate for the US Presidency, wants to limit the power of the military-industrial complex. He is taking up the colours of John Kennedy (assassinated), Richard Nixon (Watergate) and Bill Clinton (Lewinsky).

- According to Trump, it is unhealthy for the United States and for foreigners to attempt to export by force the Western Democratic model, which does not correspond to their aspirations.

- The military-industrial complex is preparing the candidacy of General James Mattis, and a war against the Iranian Revolution.

The post Neocons Versus Trump appeared first on LewRockwell.

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