Obama’s “Blow Up the World” Versus Russia and China

Two Eurasian conferences took place this week, outstanding for their commitment to deliberate actions for development, and stopping the London/Obama geopolitical forces perpetrating war. In Moscow, the “Russia-China Transition to a New Quality of Bilateral Relations,” was convened, addressed by Russian Foreign Secretary Sergei Lavrov and Chinese top diplomat Dai Bingguo. In Kazakhstan, the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) met in Astana, addressed by member heads of state, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, who presented concrete tasks for physical economic expansion.

What came through the proceedings and statements at both events, were reflections on the reality that there is a new world order in the making, and warnings that the opposition to this is the old, dead British empire, threatening to blow up the world through the actions of the London-NATO-Obama axis.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute President, spoke on the world development potential, and grave danger, in a new interview with TASS, which is posted in a May 31, 550-word item. The content touches on several strategic points, namely that there are two lines of policy in the world—one for global showdown, the other for cooperation. We are in a crisis more dangerous than during the Cold War; but Putin is a brilliant strategist, so there is hope of avoiding Russia’s entrapment, and becoming a target of a first strike. The alternative to all this, is cooperation, as initiated by Russia and China, with the New Silk Road and One-Belt-One-Road.

Zepp-LaRouche is quoted, “Almost all major conflicts today are caused by efforts of the Anglo-American Empire to advance and maintain a unipolar world—as it has actually been,…” But this can be no more.

In Moscow, Lavrov said May 31 that, “Today, international relations have entered into a conceptually new historical stage that consists of the emergence of a multipolar world order, and reflects the strengthening of new centers of economic development…” He hailed the strategic partnership between Russia and China, and said of their unprecedented good relations, “In fact, they can serve as a model of state-to-state cooperation in the 21st century.”

In Astana, Putin spoke of continuing the momentum of the Eurasian Economic Union, founded only 18 months ago, by closer ties, not only with China’s Silk Road Economic Belt, but with numbers of other countries, including in South America and Africa. Putin outlined tasks for the core EEU, including, building unified markets for electricity, hydrocarbons, and for medicines and health care infrastructure. Most importantly, he called for creating a “Eurasian Machine Tool Engineering Center.”

Directly opposed to all this, is the intent to ‘blow up the world,’ manifest in the drumbeat of lies and threats to Russia and China, especially in the countdown to the July 8-9 NATO summit in Poland. On May 30, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg personally visited Warsaw. At a press conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda, Stoltenberg stated that, “We [nato] have agreed to enhance our forward presence in the eastern part of our Alliance…We have clear proposals on the table from our military planners.” He said, in effect, that only the details of how many and where new forces will go, have yet to be made final. “So let me be clear: there will be more NATO troops in Poland after the Warsaw Summit…”

Every action to thwart this madness is now critical. The new petition is circulating internationally, “The Warsaw Summit Prepares for War, It’s Time to Leave NATO Now!

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