Preacher carrying ‘you deserve to be raped’ sign hit over the head by baseball bat-wielding woman

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<p>‘A street preacher who yells a ti-gay messages got hit over the hea by a st e t o trage by his offe sive speech, ABC15 reports.</p>
<p>Gle ale, Arizo a preacher Brother Dea Saxto makes it a habit to sta o tsi e local high schools a lo ly co em st e ts a members of the LGBT comm ity. ABC15 reports he ofte also hol s a sig that rea s, “Yo eserve to be rape .”</p>
<p>B t whe he embarke o o e of his solicite missio s this mo th at Apollo High School, Tabitha Br baker, 19, respo e to what she calle hate speech by striki g him over the hea with a baseball bat, accor i g to a thorities. She has bee charge with felo y assa lt. Police also charge her with marij a a possessio .’</p>
<p><a href=" g-yo – eserve-to-be-rape -sig -hit-over-the-hea -by-baseball-bat-wiel i g-woma /" target="_bla k">Rea more: Preacher carryi g ‘yo eserve to be rape ’ sig hit over the hea by baseball bat-wiel i g woma </a></p>

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