Sub Specie Aeternitatis: A Moment Out of Time

by Tony Papert

Our historians are monumentally incompetent.  Things do not happen.  Rather, they are made to happen.

But made how?  By tricks?  By schemes? By the kind of “knowledge” produced by ambition?  By calculation?

On May 10, a few of us were privileged beyond all measure to partake in a unique, and indeed an epochal historic encounter with the 93-year old Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., on a hilltop in Virginia.  The influence, and along with it the memory of his presentation there, will long outlive the lives of everyone who was present.  And yet, even so, LaRouche stated that it was only the first of a series; where this will go in the immediate future can hardly be imagined.

This is a man who has profoundly changed the history of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries,— with completely deliberate intention, but by using nothing but his own highly-controversial methods.  He has changed the history of these decades using his mind alone, without weapons or budgets.  Or whatever weapons or budgets he may have had at any time, he obtained using his unique methods, while he was “understood by very few, and supported by no one,” to quote Einstein on Johannes Kepler.

How is this possible?  Common sense and practicality reject it completely,— yet it has happened.  Not only that, but it is happening now.  And not only that, but it was visibly happening on May 10,— for those who were able to see it.

Neither a transcript nor an audio recording could capture anything of the eye-to-eye communication of May 10.  That you can only reproduce for yourself, inside yourself.

But we can begin to get at it by stating what it is not. Common-sense thinking separates out goals, methods, ideas and motivations, as four distinct things,— four types.  But for LaRouche and for the other heirs of Plato, such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin, they are not separate at all: they are all just different views or images of precisely one and the same quality, somewhat as when you view one diamond (and through it the world), through various of its different facets.  The only and the true source of the power to change history,— the only source of history,— is the bottomless spring of this one single “quality,” which was at the center of LaRouche’s presentation of May 10.

He began it by saying that he was devoting the remainder of his life to rescuing human creativity.  He went on to say that he was in process of making improvements in the organization; that the organization must rise to a higher standard.  History hangs in the balance.

“Being practical is the worst thing you can do. It’s the ability to create a new future, to create a development of a future that you had never known before or since,— and that’s your obligation.  Don’t be practical; don’t say, ‘I’m being practical.’  Don’t use the word practical in any form of language; don’t use it.  It’s worse than a waste of time.  You have to think about — do you want all babies to be born with the same characteristics from the date of birth to the end; do you want that?  Are you content to seek that?  Well, then you’re not human; and that is a common characteristic of the average citizen of the United States.  They have no comprehension of what the meaning of humanity is; they want to be practical….

“The organization has to bring itself up to a higher level of standard of performance and the nature of goals; what mankind is supposed to effect.  And in general in the organization, people cover over defects which should not be tolerated; it spoils the market.  Look, you have to realize how dangerous this is; this will be the summer months.  And what have you got to deal with for those summer months?  What skills do you have? What insight do you have?  How are you going to make it work?  Do you realize what’s going on in the world now?  What the war is; the great war?  China and Russia against the Nazis of the world? Because most of our representatives are part of the Nazis of the world; in the United States, the leaders of the United States are mostly assholes of the world, or something less dignified.  And that’s what our problem is with our organization.  We accept a standard of achievement which is beyond anything that will realize a truly necessary benefit for mankind.   We do not have an approach presently as an organization, the kind of approach which is necessary to make successful progress under these kinds of conditions.  We do have available to us, if we think properly, we do have the ability to scratch into the things that we have to consider if we’re going to be successful in defeating this problem.

“You have to realize, we’re on the edge of a virtual extinction of humanity in terms of the United States, in terms of Mexico; Mexico is really rotten as Hell.  And we have no sight that there’ll be any improvement.  Mexico once had a great mission; but then, the great mission was destroyed by the Wall Street crowd.  So, there’s no more of that.  You find that the nations of South America, you find a degeneration of those economies which I had lived through in terms of experience over long years.  Mankind has not yet become a successful creature; because we don’t understand what the challenge of being a creature of that type means.

“I could say many things about that, but that’s what bothers me; it bothers me that people are inured in the kinds of ideas that really don’t mean much of anything.  And what I’m doing is spending most of what is left of my life to try to save the cause of creativity; and it’s a tough war to fight, because people don’t believe in the kind of warfare that is necessary to succeed.”

LaRouche responded to a report on the recent Russian-Chinese joint maneuvers for anti-missile defense. “But the key thing lies not in the personnel as such. It lies in the development of the personnel and development of the character of their behavior and their mission-orientation. And that is the factor which wins the war!  In other words, this is not a matter of a number of people who are fighting the war, not the ones who have gained this or gained that; that is not the issue.  The issue is, can the human species produce from within its own ranks, a body of people who will meet the challenge of defeating the kind of evil we have to face now.

“So the thing, when people say, ‘well, he’s going to win this war.  He’s going to win this war.  He’s going to win that war. He’s going to win that war.  He’s going to win that war! … He’s gonna lose that war.’  That’s what the game is, and they’re all playing that game!  They don’t have the ability to win, because they have not been given the capability to win, inside themselves.  And that’s what the recent experience of Putin has been, since he started the thing in saving people. And since he started that, he has worked on a continuous drive of going to win the global war.  And it’s not to win the war in the sense of killing people, that was not the way he functioned in his recent activities.  None!  It’s the development of the individual within the nation, that is the key to power.  The ability to create something better than mankind has known and experienced beforehand.

“So trying to win that and win that and win this and win this, it’s all nonsense, it’s for children, it’s for masturbators….

“The problem is the population in general is educated to become stupid; they think it’s glory, but it’s only stupidity. Because they think, ‘I’m so big now.  Look, I’m so big now!  I’m so successful now.  I have achieved this, now.  I’m going to achieve this.  I’m getting a higher job now!’ That’s the silliness, the sickness, which permeates most of our organization.  It lurks there, always, and all you have to do is scratch a little bit, and it will come out.  I could give you a long list, but I’m not going to do that to you.  I’m not going to rub the shame into you; you’re ashamed of yourselves, let you do it by yourselves!”

But these words are only the palest shadows of what was being communicated.

Ask your questions to Mr. LaRouche live, tonight at 9 PM eastern.

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Sub Specie Aeternitatis: A Moment Out of Time

by Tony Papert

Our historians are monumentally incompetent.  Things do not happen.  Rather, they are made to happen.

But made how?  By tricks?  By schemes? By the kind of “knowledge” produced by ambition?  By calculation?

On May 10, a few of us were privileged beyond all measure to partake in a unique, and indeed an epochal historic encounter with the 93-year old Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., on a hilltop in Virginia.  The influence, and along with it the memory of his presentation there, will long outlive the lives of everyone who was present.  And yet, even so, LaRouche stated that it was only the first of a series; where this will go in the immediate future can hardly be imagined.

This is a man who has profoundly changed the history of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries,— with completely deliberate intention, but by using nothing but his own highly-controversial methods.  He has changed the history of these decades using his mind alone, without weapons or budgets.  Or whatever weapons or budgets he may have had at any time, he obtained using his unique methods, while he was “understood by very few, and supported by no one,” to quote Einstein on Johannes Kepler.

How is this possible?  Common sense and practicality reject it completely,— yet it has happened.  Not only that, but it is happening now.  And not only that, but it was visibly happening on May 10,— for those who were able to see it.

Neither a transcript nor an audio recording could capture anything of the eye-to-eye communication of May 10.  That you can only reproduce for yourself, inside yourself.

But we can begin to get at it by stating what it is not. Common-sense thinking separates out goals, methods, ideas and motivations, as four distinct things,— four types.  But for LaRouche and for the other heirs of Plato, such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin, they are not separate at all: they are all just different views or images of precisely one and the same quality, somewhat as when you view one diamond (and through it the world), through various of its different facets.  The only and the true source of the power to change history,— the only source of history,— is the bottomless spring of this one single “quality,” which was at the center of LaRouche’s presentation of May 10.

He began it by saying that he was devoting the remainder of his life to rescuing human creativity.  He went on to say that he was in process of making improvements in the organization; that the organization must rise to a higher standard.  History hangs in the balance.

“Being practical is the worst thing you can do. It’s the ability to create a new future, to create a development of a future that you had never known before or since,— and that’s your obligation.  Don’t be practical; don’t say, ‘I’m being practical.’  Don’t use the word practical in any form of language; don’t use it.  It’s worse than a waste of time.  You have to think about — do you want all babies to be born with the same characteristics from the date of birth to the end; do you want that?  Are you content to seek that?  Well, then you’re not human; and that is a common characteristic of the average citizen of the United States.  They have no comprehension of what the meaning of humanity is; they want to be practical….

“The organization has to bring itself up to a higher level of standard of performance and the nature of goals; what mankind is supposed to effect.  And in general in the organization, people cover over defects which should not be tolerated; it spoils the market.  Look, you have to realize how dangerous this is; this will be the summer months.  And what have you got to deal with for those summer months?  What skills do you have? What insight do you have?  How are you going to make it work?  Do you realize what’s going on in the world now?  What the war is; the great war?  China and Russia against the Nazis of the world? Because most of our representatives are part of the Nazis of the world; in the United States, the leaders of the United States are mostly assholes of the world, or something less dignified.  And that’s what our problem is with our organization.  We accept a standard of achievement which is beyond anything that will realize a truly necessary benefit for mankind.   We do not have an approach presently as an organization, the kind of approach which is necessary to make successful progress under these kinds of conditions.  We do have available to us, if we think properly, we do have the ability to scratch into the things that we have to consider if we’re going to be successful in defeating this problem.

“You have to realize, we’re on the edge of a virtual extinction of humanity in terms of the United States, in terms of Mexico; Mexico is really rotten as Hell.  And we have no sight that there’ll be any improvement.  Mexico once had a great mission; but then, the great mission was destroyed by the Wall Street crowd.  So, there’s no more of that.  You find that the nations of South America, you find a degeneration of those economies which I had lived through in terms of experience over long years.  Mankind has not yet become a successful creature; because we don’t understand what the challenge of being a creature of that type means.

“I could say many things about that, but that’s what bothers me; it bothers me that people are inured in the kinds of ideas that really don’t mean much of anything.  And what I’m doing is spending most of what is left of my life to try to save the cause of creativity; and it’s a tough war to fight, because people don’t believe in the kind of warfare that is necessary to succeed.”

LaRouche responded to a report on the recent Russian-Chinese joint maneuvers for anti-missile defense. “But the key thing lies not in the personnel as such. It lies in the development of the personnel and development of the character of their behavior and their mission-orientation. And that is the factor which wins the war!  In other words, this is not a matter of a number of people who are fighting the war, not the ones who have gained this or gained that; that is not the issue.  The issue is, can the human species produce from within its own ranks, a body of people who will meet the challenge of defeating the kind of evil we have to face now.

“So the thing, when people say, ‘well, he’s going to win this war.  He’s going to win this war.  He’s going to win that war. He’s going to win that war.  He’s going to win that war! … He’s gonna lose that war.’  That’s what the game is, and they’re all playing that game!  They don’t have the ability to win, because they have not been given the capability to win, inside themselves.  And that’s what the recent experience of Putin has been, since he started the thing in saving people. And since he started that, he has worked on a continuous drive of going to win the global war.  And it’s not to win the war in the sense of killing people, that was not the way he functioned in his recent activities.  None!  It’s the development of the individual within the nation, that is the key to power.  The ability to create something better than mankind has known and experienced beforehand.

“So trying to win that and win that and win this and win this, it’s all nonsense, it’s for children, it’s for masturbators….

“The problem is the population in general is educated to become stupid; they think it’s glory, but it’s only stupidity. Because they think, ‘I’m so big now.  Look, I’m so big now!  I’m so successful now.  I have achieved this, now.  I’m going to achieve this.  I’m getting a higher job now!’ That’s the silliness, the sickness, which permeates most of our organization.  It lurks there, always, and all you have to do is scratch a little bit, and it will come out.  I could give you a long list, but I’m not going to do that to you.  I’m not going to rub the shame into you; you’re ashamed of yourselves, let you do it by yourselves!”

But these words are only the palest shadows of what was being communicated.

Ask your questions to Mr. LaRouche live, tonight at 9 PM eastern.

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