Trump Terror

NEW YORK –  It’s been a treat watching the arrogant, Masters of the Universe Republicans wring their hands and ululate over the terror that is Donald Trump.

Most of my serious Republican friends don’t know what to do:  they yearn to be close to power, but fear backing Trump will make them pariahs at their local golf club. So they are still hiding in the closet.

‘I am Shiva, destroyer of worlds!’ That’s Trump’s message to America’s oligarchs. And scared they should be because of even a modest Trump revolution would threaten their corrupt, stultified political system and their wallets.

As a former conservative Republican who has watched his lifelong party become a vehicle for special interests and religious fundamentalists, I say ‘blow it to smithereens.’ Build a new party that represents America’s 99%, not the gilded 1%. 

Trump’s call for ‘even-handed’ US policy in the Mideast was greeted with fury and horror by Israel’s partisans who are now asking Washington for $4.2 billion in annual military aid.

But Trump’s daring effort to forge peace in the Mideast has run head-on into the mighty US Israel lobby which helped orchestrate a ferocious anti-Trump media campaign.

Now, it appears Trump has met his match. Pro-Israel billionaire Sheldon Adelson has just made peace with Trump and announced he will support the Republican candidate. This sends an important message out to Israel’s supporters to lay off the Donald. In return, Trump just announced he actually favors more Israeli settlements on the Occupied West Bank.

Meanwhile, the slighted Republican establishment is still sulking and won’t endorse Trump – yet. Its leaders are right when the say Trump must change his speech regarding Mexicans and Muslims. But they don’t really care about either.

What they really do care about is the danger of cutting the Pentagon’s $700 billion annual budget, protecting the military industrial complex, and defending Wall Street from government investigation. After all, it’s Wall Street that funds Congress.

The Republicans opposing Trump are not, as they claim, conservatives. They are advocates of big, big government, foreign wars, welfare for favored industries, tax breaks for farmers and key supporters. And, of course, almost half of GOP voters call themselves fundamentalist Christians, making today’s party a semi-theocratic, far right political movement.

Real conservatives are for low taxes, small government, no foreign wars and states rights. Rather what Trump is preaching.

The post Trump Terror appeared first on LewRockwell.

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