Urgent inquiry called for Old Trafford bomb fiasco
<p><a href="https://www. avi icke.com/wp-co te t/ ploa s/2016/05/ ow loa -9.p g" rel="attachme t wp-att-372153"><img class="size-f ll wp-image-372153 alig ce ter" src="https://www. avi icke.com/wp-co te t/ ploa s/2016/05/ ow loa -9.p g" alt=" ow loa (9)" wi th="700" height="466" srcset="https://www. avi icke.com/wp-co te t/ ploa s/2016/05/ ow loa -9-300×200.p g 300w, https://www. avi icke.com/wp-co te t/ ploa s/2016/05/ ow loa -9.p g 700w" sizes="(max-wi th: 709px) 85vw, (max-wi th: 909px) 67vw, (max-wi th: 984px) 61vw, (max-wi th: 1362px) 45vw, 600px" /></a></p>
<p>‘A rge t i q iry has bee calle after Ma chester U ite ’s fi al game of the seaso was aba o e e to the iscovery of a fake bomb se i a sec rity exercise.</p>
<p>Greater Ma chester Mayor a police a crime commissio er To y Lloy calle for a f ll i q iry i to the “fiasco”, sayi g it was ecessary to fi o t how the mmy explosive was left behi by a sec rity compa y.</p>
<p>O S ay, the game betwee Ma chester U ite a Bo r emo th at Ol Traffor was postpo e after a appare t explosive evice was fo i a toilet close to kick-off.</p>
<p>The sta i m was evac ate imme iately a a co trolle explosio was carrie o t o the s spicio s evice.’</p>
<p><a href="http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2016/05/16/465925/Britai -Ma chester-U ite -Ol -Traffor -Bo r emo th-Rei " target="_bla k">Rea more: Urge t i q iry calle for Ol Traffor bomb fiasco</a></p>
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