War with China by Summer?

With Congress out of session until next week, and while Americans take time out to commemorate those who died in military service in past wars, some leading American and leading Chinese officials alike fear that war between the two nations is likely by Summer. The more astute know that if this is allowed to happen, it will quickly become a broader, multilateral nuclear exchange which will be, as a LaRouchePAC video put it, “Unsurvivable.”

The most recent big step towards war was computer-nerd Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s long, highly-provocative May 27 commencement address to the U.S. Naval Academy. He told the cadets that he was going to focus his remarks on the Asia-Pacific, because it would define many of their future careers. He singled out the destroyer USS Lassen, which deliberately intruded in Chinese territorial waters last October, and promised that we will “continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows.” He accused China of

expansive and unprecedented actions in the South China Sea, pressing excessive maritime claims contrary to international law…. What’s new and unique to this region is the assertion of claims, dredging, land reclamation, and militarization of features by several claimants but overwhelmingly by China…. China’s cyber-actors have violated the spirit of the Internet—not to mention the law—to perpetrate large-scale intellectual property theft from American companies.

Instead of working toward what [they call] `win-win cooperation’ that Beijing publicly says it wants, China sometimes plays by its own rules, undercutting those principles. A model like that is out of step with where the region wants to go, and it’s counterproductive—it’s far from a `win-win.’ The result is that China’s actions could erect a Great Wall of self-isolation, as countries across the region—allies, partners and the unaligned—are voicing concerns publicly and privately, at the highest levels, in regional meetings, and global fora.

Carter went on to threaten China with superior US weapons systems: the F-35 (which doesn’t work), the P-8, “cutting-edge stealth destroyers,” and numerous others.

The DoD maintains world-leading capabilities because we have made incomparable investments over decades,… It will take decades more for anyone to build the kind of military capability the United States possesses today. This strength is not simply about dollar figures–it’s also about harnessing those dollars to a tremendous innovative an technological culture that only the United States has, and doing so to develop revolutionary technologies.

A Hitler-style threatening rant, threatening war, and with about the truth-content of one of Hitler’s tirades.

The Chinese have responded. Global Times, a newspaper owned by the Communist Party of China’s People’s Daily, published an unsigned editorial today which said,

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter Friday issued another sharp rebuke of China’s actions in the South China Sea by warning Beijing that it is on a path to build a `great wall of self-isolation.’ He said the Pentagon’s best weapons, including stealthy F-35 fighters, P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft and the newest surface warfare ships, will be deployed to the Pacific theater…

“The nature of Sino-US relations will to a large extent determine the state of international relations in the 21st century. By pointing the finger at China with a bluffing posture, senior US officials are eroding the foundation of peace in the Asia-Pacific. On the contrary, China has been stressing resolving disputes peacefully. Maintaining peace in the South China Sea is the common wish of all regional stakeholders…

Carter’s words have been the most threatening China has heard since the end of the Cold War. They confirm some Chinese people’s worries about the worst-case scenario in the Sino-US relationship, in which Washington may translate its intention to counter China into real actions. The Pentagon may be willing to see confrontation between China and the US. But the US cannot overawe China by wielding a military stick. The People’s Liberation Army can offset the US advantage of equipment in the South China Sea with its size and proximity, and we are confident about countering the threat from the US. Although a military contention will be harmful to China, we cannot retreat in the face of US coercion. China must accelerate its pace to build modern defense capabilities. It should let the US know that if it launches military attacks targeting China in the South China Sea, the US will suffer unbearable consequences. China must enhance its ability to deter the US and increase the US’ strategic risks of military threat against China. [emphasis added]

Now you too have joined the number of those who know this, and you have taken on, willy-nilly, the inescapable responsibility which accompanies that knowledge. Get it out everywhere for a start—but that’s only the beginning. Ask yourself what Lyndon LaRouche would do.

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