Worried About Your Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure woes are a growing problem, affecting more and more Americans every day. Worse yet, because it’s symptomless, you often become aware of your high blood sugar only once you begin experiencing the associated health issues.

If you have been diagnosed with hypertension or even prehypertension, you want to do anything you can to keep those numbers within a healthy range before complications arise.

Even if you’ve spoken to your doctor about blood pressure, there may be some facts that you’re unaware of. You can integrate these tips into your health regime as you aim to obtain healthy blood pressure. Here are five things you need to know when it comes to your blood pressure.For proper readings, feet should be flat on the floor, arms flat on a table, and you should be sitting with back support.

Get readings from both arms: Your doctor, or even yourself, should test both arms as your blood pressure may vary from arm to arm. Furthermore, the best time of the day to check your blood pressure is one hour after eating breakfast.

Consider other conditions as a cause: There are many reasons for high blood pressure aside from dietary issues. Genetics or other health conditions could be causing your soaring blood pressure, so it’s important that your doctor checks for other underlying causes that may require treatment in order to lower your blood pressure.

By keeping these five factors in mind, you can get a better handle on your blood pressure numbers and maintain overall good health.

Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.

The post Worried About Your Blood Pressure? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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