Zionism is Racism
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<p>‘“Zio ism is a form of racism a racial iscrimi atio ,” rea s UN Ge eral Assembly Resol tio 3379. The meas re was a opte 40 years ago, o Nov. 10, 1975, a the majority of the i ter atio al comm ity backe it. 72 co tries vote for the resol tio , with j st 35 oppose (a 32 abste tio s).</p>
<p>Altho gh little-k ow i the US to ay (it is remarkable how effectively the US a its allies have rewritte history i their favor), UN 3379. “Elimi atio of all forms of racial iscrimi atio ,” ma e a i elible impri t o history.</p>
<p>The geographic istrib tio of the vote was telli g. The co tries that vote agai st the resol tio were primarily colo ial powers a /or their allies. The co tries that vote for it were overwhelmi gly formerly colo ize a a ti-imperialist atio s.’</p>
<p><a href="https://m tawaffiq.wor press.com/2016/05/05/zio ism-is-racism/" target="_bla k">Rea more: Zio ism is Racism</a></p>
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