10 Reasons To Homeschool

Sometimes I read stuff and think, this has to be satire. Over the past few years, I can’t believe how many articles I’ve prefaced with, “I know it seems like satire, but it’s not.”

Today is no different. If you need more reasons to homeschool your kids (and you’re not doing so already) then read on.

We all know that the education system has been on the decline for years. Folks aren’t as worried about academic achievements as they are the feelings of the children, creating a crybaby culture that gives everyone a trophy just for showing up. Schools are indoctrination centers, churning out new batches of socially correct, debt-dependent slaves who have 13 years of brainwashing umm… training   errr… “education”

The post 10 Reasons To Homeschool appeared first on LewRockwell.

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