15 Things To Do Now

Spend ten minutes on the web surfing the keywords “prepping skills” and you will be presented with the site after site preaching the gospel of prepping for the time when the stuff hits the fan, something we commonly call SHTF.  The truth is it is a bit bittersweet to see so many of us planning for a major meltdown of our economy, food supply, power grid, country, society, and quite possibly our planet.

Call it a feeling or an intuitive guess, but It is as though we are preparing for a huge rogue wave that will hit any moment.  There is a huge, 100-foot wall of disaster that is zooming toward us. We don’t know what is coming or when, but we know in our gut that it is on its way.  And so we prepare.

In my opinion, every once in awhile we need to go through a self-assessment to determine how well we are doing in planning for this rogue wave of collapse, in whatever form it might take.

The post 15 Things To Do Now appeared first on LewRockwell.

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