All Hail the Overlords

The best thing I can say about Disney’s Hall of Presidents is that it’s air conditioned.

On a hot day a couple weeks ago when I was in town to speak at the Libertarian convention, we spent a day at Disney. (No kids this time.)

I knew the Hall of Presidents would be horrifying, but the show was starting just as we walked by, and it was a hot day, so I figured what the heck.

I didn’t plan to write about it, so I didn’t take notes. But here’s what I remember.

Then we learned about Theodore Roosevelt: why, he fought against monopolies and helped the middle class.

Actually, the “monopolies” he fought against were lowering prices for consumers, and his assistance to the middle class was basically nonexistent, as far as I can see.

TR took delight in exercising executive power in ways undreamed of by the Framers, but we learn nothing about that, either.

Then we get to Franklin Roosevelt, who during the Great Depression — which had no cause, apparently — used his powers to make everyone better off.

No one in that audience would have had the slightest inkling that unemployment remained in double digits throughout the 1930s.

After the obligatory JFK idolatry, we got the apotheosis of Lyndon Johnson — who evidently had nothing to do with the Vietnam War, which is glided over, but who helped poor people with his Great Society programs.

The pathetic results of those programs were likewise nowhere to be found.

There was more, but you get the idea: cartoonish propaganda we would laugh at if we saw it in any other country.

The post All Hail the Overlords appeared first on LewRockwell.

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