An Unsolvable Math Puzzle?

It’s the seemingly simple maths puzzle that is driving people on Facebook to despair as they debate what the correct answer is.

The puzzle, which was posted to Facebook page Trending in China, features flowers being used in place of numbers in equations.

It has drawn a lot of attention on the social media site, where it has had more than 1,200 likes and 1,700 comments.

Can you solve this? A maths puzzle that replaces numbers with flowers has created controversy on Facebook

In the puzzle, which is posted as a graphic, there are three lines showing what different combinations of flowers add up to. Then a new combination is shown, with no total, and it’s up to people to work out the answer.

The first line shows three red flowers, which we are told add up to a total of 60. The second shows one red flower and two blue flowers, with a total of 30.

The third line shows one blue flower minus two yellow flowers, which equals a total of three.

The final line shows one yellow flower plus one red flower, multiplied by one blue flower. There is a question mark to indicate the answer not yet revealed.

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