Are You Deficient?

For those of us who live busy lives it’s easy to just grab a coffee on our way to work, a bagel in our lunch break and an unhealthy dinner on the way home.

But how does lack of variation in your diet affect your health?

A poor diet can lead to a range of nutritional deficiencies – which present themselves in various ways.

If you’re bothered by tiredness and muscle soreness, for example, you may need to eat more dark green vegetables, oily fish, and whole grains.

This is because your body is likely to be low in magnesium.LOWEST INTAKES AND MOST AT RISK OF DEFICIENCY

Teenage girls: 53%

Teenage boys: 28%

Men: 16%

Women: 11%


Dark green vegetables

Nuts and seeds

Beans (cannellini and edamame) and lentils

Whole grains (brown rice)

Oily fish (e.g.mackerel).


Cashew nuts and Brazil nuts are very high in magnesium and provide around 25 per cent of your recommended daily intake 25g serving.


Get sprinkling seeds! You can add seeds to salads, stir-fries, soups and even ground into smoothies for a magnesium boost.

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The post Are You Deficient? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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