Avoid a Hair of the Dog

‘Drinking alcohol is like borrowing fun from tomorrow’, or so the saying goes.

And anyone who has been over-served on a night out will know the truth of it.

A recent survey revealed the average Brit spends up to two years of their lives nursing hangovers.

That means up to five hours a week are spent enduring a pounding headache, the misery of nausea, sore muscles, all compounded by the hangover guilt.

Legend has it there are lots of hangover cures out there, with everyone having their own opinion of what works best.

Dr. Marilyn Glenville, leading nutritionist and author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar, added: ‘Berries are rich in antioxidants and offer protection from free radicals, which are considered another cause of hangovers.

‘Bananas are a great source of potassium that holds onto water to decrease dehydration.’

In the absence of a full fruit bowl, you can also top up your antioxidant levels by taking the right supplement.

Cassandra Barns, also a nutritionist, said: ‘The unique blend of organic whole foods in Nature’s Plus Ageless Women’s Multi will help to replenish the vitamin and mineral loss after a night out of drinking.

‘It will help to counteract the high free radicals production that your liver will release to detoxify the alcohol intake.’

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