Bilderberg 2016

The secretive Bilderberg Group, which is set to meet in Dresden, Germany later this week, will discuss how to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president, the possibility of mass riots as a result of wealth inequality, the migrant crisis, as well as the United Kingdom’s vote on leaving the European Union.

The influential meeting of bankers, politicians, media heads and business moguls has released its official participant list and agenda for 2016.

As per usual, the list of topics to be discussed is extremely vague;

• Current events• China• Europe: migration, growth, reform, vision, unity• Middle East• Russia• US political landscape, economy: growth, debt, reform• Cybersecurity• Geopolitics of energy and commodity prices• Precariat and middle-class• Technological innovation

However, we can easily infer from the agenda and some of the names on the participant list what the group will be discussing in more detail.

The attendance of anti-Trump Senator Lindsey Graham is an obvious sign that Bilderberg will be scheming on how to prevent Trump from defeating Bilderberg’s chosen candidate – Hillary Clinton.

As we reported during last year’s conference, Bilderberg was confident that Clinton could shake off her GOP challengers, but Trump’s self-funded campaign and his public opposition to globalism and internationalist trade deals like NAFTA has shocked the Bilderberg elitists.

Bilderberg will obviously be discussing Brexit – Britain referendum vote to leave the EU – because it threatens the future of the European Union federal superstate that was the brainchild of Bilderberg in the first place.

The inclusion of “precariat and middle class” on the list also means that the powerful lobby group will be ruminating on how they can exploit and manage the inevitability of more riots and civil unrest in the west, a topic that elitists were also concerned about at the 2015 Davos Economic Summit.

“Precariat” describes those who are struggling to survive in today’s economy and who have no long term wage security. Studies have shown that wealth inequality increases the likelihood of mass social disorder.

The flooding of Europe with third world migrants, a process which has driven European voters into the arms of nationalist parties that typically oppose Bilderberg’s wider agenda, will also be a key topic of discussion.

Other interesting names on the list include Richard Engel, NBC News’ chief foreign correspondent.

Normally, a semi-secret meeting of over 100 of the most powerful people on the planet would be a monumental news scoop, but don’t expect Engel to utter a word.

Bilderberg operates under Chatham House Rules, which means that none of the participants are able to reveal any comments made during the conference.

Although it was reported in the German media that German Chancellor Angela Merkel would attend this year’s conference, her name does not appear on the list.

However, it is a common practice for Bilderberg to omit names from the official list if the individual’s attendance is politically sensitive.

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The post Bilderberg 2016 appeared first on LewRockwell.

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