Defeat the Establishment

In his final rallying call for voters to back Brexit, the Ukip leader branded the EU referendum in less than 24 hours time a contest between “the people versus the Establishment”.

He said Brexit voters would “crawl over broken glass to get down to that polling station tomorrow” but he called on those who have never voted before to grasp the “opportunity to make a difference”.

The anti-Brussels campaigner said tomorrow’s result “may be tight, may be narrow” but added: “I genuinely believe we are going to win this”.

Addressing Ukip activists in central London in his final speech of the EU referendum campaign, Mr Farage said the key to a Leave victory would be mobilising those voters who traditionally shun elections.

Despite polls showing a swing back to Remain over the past week, Mr Farage insisted “over the last 48 hours most of that swing away has already come back” to Leave.

He said: “This is a turnout referendum, this is about who actually feels strongly enough to go out and vote.

“I have met them because I’ve been travelling endlessly in an open-top bus in the wettest spring and early summer for 100 years.

“I’ve been travelling around the country and I have met a lot of people who agree with what we are trying to do but either haven’t voted for 10 years, or 20 years, or ever voted in their lives.

“They are key to Leave winning.”


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