Feel the Political Heat

1. A Perfect Storm of Legal Misery
For the richly deserving Hillary. Article by Andrew P. Napolitano.
2. Will Trump Be Sabotaged or Worse?
Trump-insider Roger Stone tells Lew Rockwell what’s ahead.
3. I Woke Up to Neo-America This Morning
Bill Sardi on what’s happened.
4. Trump Terror
Republican elites are living in fear, says Eric Margolis. Good!
5. Paul Ryan Is an Arrogant Loser
Kick him out, says Patrick J. Buchanan.
6. Liar, Liar, Cruz on Fire
The truth about father and son, and the CIA.
7. Take the 5th
And face life imprisonment without a trial. Article by William Norman Grigg.
8. The Most Significant Election Ever?
Doug Casey on the meaning of 2016.
9. The Obvious Agenda Hidden in Plain Sight
Jack Perry on the death cult.
10. Europe Is Ruined Forever
The US is close behind, says Taki.

The post Feel the Political Heat appeared first on LewRockwell.

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