From EU Migration to the Next US President

This weekend 150 of the world’s most powerful people are meeting in the Kempinski Hotel Taschenbergpalais in Dresden, Germany.

A £25million security operation means their secret meetings will be protected by hundreds of police officers and soldiers.

But who are they and what are they doing?

It is known as the Bilderberg Conference and many people believe those attending are part of a ‘new world order’ who secretly run the world.

Some even claim it is a cover name for the illuminati, a secret and sinister order founded in 18th century Bavaria.

Ever since its formation in 1954 – at the Hotel Bilderberg in the Netherlands – the talks have been shrouded in mystery because no minutes are kept of what was discussed.

Journalist Jon Ronson wrote a book about the Bilderberg Group, called Them, and the late Labour MP Denis Healey, who co-founded the group, told him: ‘Bilderberg is the most useful international group I ever attended. The confidentiality enabled people to speak honestly without fear of repercussions.’

That secrecy is ensured by the so-called Chatham House Rule, which allows those attending the conference to make use of the information they have received but not reveal the identity or affiliation of the person who gave it to them.

But the secrecy has led to suspicions among some that they are deciding on everything from the outcome of the EU referendum to who will be the next US President.

US radio host Alex Jones, who is at the forefront of the conspiracy theorists, heckled them at one meeting through a loudspeaker: ‘We know you are ruthless. We know you are evil. We respect your dark power.’

But the conspiracy theorists cannot agree among themselves what is the over-riding ideology of the Bilderberg Group, with some claiming it is unbridled capitalism and others claiming it is tinted with left-wing or even Nazi policies.

Michael Snyder, writing on his Freedom Outpost blog, claims the group was co-founded by a Nazi sympathiser, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, and adds: ‘They are still advancing the values and principles at the heart of the Nazi movement to this very day.’

He wrote: ‘Just like the Nazis, they believe they are the elite of the world, they are anti-Israel, and they believe in using military power to advance their cause when necessary.’

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The post From EU Migration to the Next US President appeared first on LewRockwell.

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