He Buys Gold Every Month

Marc Faber says gold’s investment case has been strengthened by the U.K.’s vote to quit the European Union as the fallout may spur the world’s central banks to step up easing, hurting currencies and favoring bullion, according to Marc Faber, publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report as reported by Bloomberg today.

GoldCore: Faber on his bike


As reported by Bloomberg:

“The U.S. Federal Reserve may even embark on a fourth round of quantitative easing, or QE4, Faber said in an interview on Bloomberg Television on Wednesday, adding that he typically buys bullion every month. While he also likes gold shares, they need to correct first after recent gains, he said.

Current Prices on popular forms of Silver Bullion

Gold has soared after the U.K.’s vote last week as investors seek a haven from financial turmoil and contemplate the possible implications, including additional steps from central bank policy makers in Europe, the U.S. and Asia. Holdings in bullion-backed exchange-traded products have swelled to the highest level since September 2013 as banks including Goldman Sachs Group Inc. have boosted their price forecasts.

“If Brexit is used as an excuse, the central banks will print more money, QE4 in the U.S. is on the way and the depreciation in the purchasing power of currencies will continue,” Faber said in the interview from Hong Kong. “In that situation, you want to own some gold.”

Full article here

Faber is always worth listening to and had fascinating insights about Brexit, the EU bureaucracy, Trump’s rise, his outlook and why he continues to favour Asia investment wise in two interviews released by Bloomberg – see Faber: Bureaucracy in Brussels Needs to Be Reduced and Faber: Brexit a Positive for Trump. The segment about gold does not appear to have been released by Bloomberg TV.

Marc Faber Webinar on Storing Gold in Singapore

Reprinted with permission from GoldCore.

The post He Buys Gold Every Month appeared first on LewRockwell.

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