Inside Bilderberg

The 64th annual Bilderberg Conference is being held in in Dresden, Germany, from today until Saturday sending ardent Illuminati New World Order conspiracy theorists crazy.

If ever the powers that be wanted to fuel a theory there is a secret sect above the elected rulers of the world’s top nations, then Bilderberg is how to do it.

Inside, no journalists are allowed in and there is no opening or closing press conferences or statements.

On top of this, no minutes are taken and attendees are urged not to discuss what goes on inside with anyone else.

The organisers of the Bilderberg meetings, claim it is just the world’s biggest lobby group and talking shop.

Attendees this year include representatives of Deutsche Bank, the European Central Bank, Lazard, plus oil giants Shell and BP.

Bilderberg’s organisers deny any global conspiracy, say they “never sought any publicity”, and deny they can choose the next US president or select where the next war will take place.

The three-day meeting is chaired by Henri de Castries, a 61-year-old French count who is chairman of global insurance firm AXA.

There will be 126 people taking part and agenda topics include China, Europe, migration, the Middle East, Russia and the “geopolitics of energy and commodity prices”.

British Chancellor George Osborne attended last year but is not on the list this time round.

Michael O’Leary, the colourful boss of Ryanair is taking part this year.

Attendance is by invite only and it has been claimed that those who go will soon be promoted within their chosen field.

Bill Clinton went in 1991 as governor of Arkansas – a year later he was elected as US president.

Former British PM Tony Blair was a shadow minister when he got his invitation in 1993 – four years before his election.

The organisers have previously denied any conspiracy to push people up the politics or career ladder but claim to be great talent spotters.

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The post Inside Bilderberg appeared first on LewRockwell.

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