Israeli occupation and colonization at root of violence

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<p>‘O Fri ay, I appeare o Al Jazeera’s I si e Story, to ebate the evelopme ts s rro i g We es ay’s Tel Aviv attack that kille fo r Israeli civilia s.</p>
<p>The other g ests were two former Israeli officials: Da iel Levy, of the E ropea Co cil o Foreig Relatio s who worke as a a visor to o e-time Israeli prime mi ister Eh Barak, a Mitchell Barak, who was a spokesperso for Shimo Peres whe he was Israel’s presi e t.</p>
<p>As Israeli lea ers vowe reve ge a bega to impose collective p ishme t o the occ pie Palesti ia civilia pop latio , Tel Aviv mayor Ro H l ai was the most high profile fig re poi ti g sq arely back at Israel’s occ patio as the root ca se of viole ce.’</p>
<p><a href="https://electro ici tifa a. et/blogs/ali-ab imah/vi eo-israeli-occ patio -colo izatio -root-viole ce? tm_so rce=EI+rea ers& tm_campaig =a234366c34-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN& tm_me i m=email& tm_term=0_e802a7602 -a234366c34-299185473" target="_bla k">Rea more: Israeli occ patio a colo izatio at root of viole ce</a></p>

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