LaRouche—The Future of Mankind Will be Determined by Putin’s Creative Interventions Over the Coming Period

Today, on the 75th anniversary of Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of Russia, President Putin laid a wreath commemorating the event, then spoke to the Duma, comparing the launching of the “Great Patriotic War” to the US/NATO war preparations today. “We know the biggest lesson of that war: it could have been prevented,” Putin said. “It could have been stopped if efforts had been made to firmly rein in the Nazis and their accomplices’ wild ambitions in time. The leaders of a number of Western countries chose instead to pursue a policy of containing the Soviet Union and sought to keep it in a situation of international isolation. But it was Nazism that was the real and terrible global threat.

“This common threat is spreading its danger before our very eyes,” he continued. “We must create a modern collective security system beyond blocs [emphasis added] and with all countries on an equal footing. Russia is open to discussions on this most important issue and has repeatedly stated its readiness for dialogue,” Putin went on. “For now though, as was the case on the eve of World War II, we see no positive response. On the contrary, NATO is stepping up its aggressive rhetoric and aggressive actions close to our borders. In this situation, we have no choice but to devote particular attention to the tasks we must address in order to increase our country’s defense capability.”

This is a stark warning indeed of Obama’s pending war of annihilation.

However, Lyndon LaRouche insisted today, seeing the world in terms of pending catastrophe is a fallacy of thinking, for it is precisely what Putin is doing to stop the war, and to change the world as a whole towards cooperation and development, together with China and a rapidly growing majority of the world’s nations, which truly characterizes the current extremely complex situation. It is not possible to predict what Putin will do next, since he is an “efficient example of a truly creative person” who refuses to think, or act, linearly based on existing conditions, but acts on the basis of changing everything, and everyone, for the benefit of mankind as a whole.

LaRouche recognizes that quality of creativity precisely because his entire existence has been based on that principle. The essence of mankind, he said today, is the capability to save mankind from apparently “inevitable” catastrophes. Putin, he said, is not giving in to Obama’s war drive, he’s not just saying “a great catastrophe is about to happen. Rather, he is not panicking, and is preparing to act. A catastrophe can happen, LaRouche added, but it is because you concurred in it, you got sucked into it.

Look at the developments in the real world in the days ahead:

  • Xi Jinping has just completed a brilliant strategic intervention into the Eastern and Central European region with visits to Serbia and Poland, bringing win-win development policies along the New Silk Road where Obama is attempting to provoke nuclear war;
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is holding a Summit in Tashkent to expand the strategic and economic cooperation between Russia, China and the four Central Asian nations;
  • Indian President Modi will meet with President Xi on the sidelines of the SCO;
  • India and Pakistan will begin the process of joining the SCO at the Summit, while Iran is expected to join soon. Other nations of Southwest and Southeast Asia are SCO partners and may also join;
  • Putin will attend the SCO Summit, then proceed to Beijing for a state visit to China, to advance the two nations’ collaboration in development, space exploration, cultural exchange, and more. Plans for the Eastern Economic Forum, scheduled to take place in Vladivostok on Sept. 2-3, will be discussed. The Forum brings business and government representatives together to discuss the economic development of Russia’s Far East and the Asia-Pacific region.

Meanwhile, Obama continues with his fantasy that he has “isolated” Russia, while continuing the massive military encirclement of both Russia and China. Even here, the reality is that leading government and business leaders across Europe are demanding an end to Russian sanctions and cooperation with Russia economically and strategically, especially in fighting terrorism. Removing the killer Obama from office now, this summer, for his multiple crimes against humanity, is the most important contribution which Americans can make to the preservation and advancement of mankind at this crucial juncture in history.

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