‘Colourful revolutionaries’ fire paint-bombs at Macedonia government HQ & police

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<p>‘Tho sa s of protesters have marche thro gh Mace o ia’s capital a pelte pai t-bombs at the mai gover me t b il i g a police. They rge the gover me t’s resig atio , espite Presi e t Gjorge Iva ov rece tly ce i g to oppositio ema s.</p>
<p>More tha 5,000 emo strators le by oppositio lea er Zora Zaev marche from the prosec tor’s office to the gover me t hea q arters i Skopje o Mo ay. The emo strators eploye makeshift sli gshots a fire pai t-fille balloo s at the gover me t b il i gs a police officers.’</p>
<p><a href="https://www.rt.com/ ews/345638-colorf l-revol tio -mace o ia-protest/? tm_so rce=browser& tm_me i m=aplicatio _chrome& tm_campaig =chrome" target="_bla k">Rea more: ‘Colo rf l revol tio aries’ fire pai t-bombs at Mace o ia gover me t HQ & police</a></p>

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