Nuclear Hype: Russian & British Relations ‘Are in Dangerous Place’

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<p>‘Is the hype real?</p>
<p>I the excerpt from Goi g U ergro , Afshi Ratta si i terviews the hea of Britai ’s Foreig Affairs Committee o the state of British-R ssia relatio s Crispi Bl t.</p>
<p>Bl t believes the state of relatio s betwee the two atio s is i a ‘ a gero s place’, a oes ot appear to r le o t the possibility of ope war betwee them.</p>
<p>While some believe NATO a R ssia are o a collisio co rse tha ks to R ssia actio s, it ca easily be see that the real aggressor here is act ally NATO.’</p>
<p><a href="http://21stce t clear-hype-r ssia -british-relatio s-are-i – a gero s-place/" target="_bla k">So rce</a></p>

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