Our Crooked, Violent Future

My friend George, in his mid-60’s, was a vice president of an insurance company. He’s told me a few amusing stories of fraud. A man with a claimed bad back was filmed lifting concrete blocks and bowling. A supposedly blind dude was filmed driving a car, steering a Jet Ski and examining jar labels in a store. Dogged detective work landed these cheaters in jail.

A factory was scheduled to die at noon, but words leaked out, so within three hours, more than 300 claims of workplace injuries flooded in. Allied with the union, doctors and chiropractors got most of these workers paid.

I have a friend who made medical casts for a crooked doctor. A family man, Bill is also smart and cultured.

“With the insurance industry so powerful, how come we have so many frivolous lawsuits?” I asked George as we sat in Friendly Lounge.

Besides being a boost for gun control, hatred of Muslims and sympathy for gays, the Orlando massacre tale is the deep state giving Trump a push.

They shot up the club, killed a bunch, including the fall guy, then immediately released a story about this crazed, violent Muslim who hated the United States and homosexuals. Omar Mateen was a regular at Club Pulse, however, and he went there to pick up men, according to other regulars. Also recorded are two eyewitnesses who say there was a man blocking the door as club patrons tried to escape, so it wasn’t just one shooter acting alone. You don’t need an above-retarded IQ to conclude there were likely several shooters, with Omar Mateen not necessarily one of them. Featured witnesses, those that go on Good Morning America, for example, are plants.

Anyway, Trump is so “outside,” he met with Kissinger recently, and Condi Rice and Newt Gingrich, of all people, are being floated as his vice president. With their ballot machines, our rulers can select anybody they want anyway. In the election farce, American voters are just goofy extras.

A lifelong Republican, George will vote Libertarian this year. Looking angry, Marco wouldn’t tell me who he thinks is this country’s savior. Grinning, John just shrugged.

The post Our Crooked, Violent Future appeared first on LewRockwell.

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