Smart meters ‘not needed’ after all for European power grid

<p><a href="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/get-attachme t-282-2.jpg" rel="attachme t wp-att-375622"><img class="size-f ll wp-image-375622 alig ce ter" src="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/get-attachme t-282-2.jpg" alt="get-attachme t (282)" wi th="1024" height="768" srcset="https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/get-attachme t-282-2-300×225.jpg 300w, https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/get-attachme t-282-2-768×576.jpg 768w, https://www. avi te t/ ploa s/2016/06/get-attachme t-282-2.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-wi th: 709px) 85vw, (max-wi th: 909px) 67vw, (max-wi th: 1362px) 62vw, 840px" /></a></p>
<p>‘A tra sitio to a i tellige t electricity gri i E rope ca take place witho t smart meters, i stry players have sai , i comme ts that will embarrass the E ropea Commissio , which p she a E rope-wi e pla to roll o t smart meters years ago.</p>
<p>There are other more efficie t ways tha smart meters to help evelop i tellige t power gri s, sai i stry elegates at the a al co ve tio of E rope’s electricity associatio E relectric, hel i Vil i s last week.</p>
<p>These i cl e q icker i tegratio of re ewables, the evelopme t of e ergy storage a e ergy ema respo se sol tio s, sai the i stry represe tatives.’</p>
<p><a href="https://takebackyo rpower. et/smart-meters- ot- ee e -after-all-for-e ropea -power-gri /" target="_bla k">Rea more: Smart meters ‘ ot ee e ’ after all for E ropea power gri </a></p>

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