Terrified of Secession

It’s that time on the calendar when government gangsters battle for control of the US Collective. They accomplish this in tightly controlled skirmishes called “elections.” The GOP, one of the two streets gangs designated by the ruling class to constantly fight for control of this collective, recently had their Texas gang summit (state convention) in Dallas.

The Proposal

The only action at this summit worthy of reporting is the rejection of a proposal, heavily promoted by the Texas Nationalist Movement, to place a call for a referendum on Texas independence on the party platform.

The call for such a referendum was initially approved by two-thirds of the Texas Republican Platform Committee, which certainly encouraged avid secessionists. This positive vote supported moving the secession proposal forward to a full vote of the delegates at the convention. secession, let alone calling for a state referendum allowing individual voters to actually decide their state’s future.


How are such roadblocks to be overcome? Persistence, I suppose. I’m not one that calls for political action but state secession seems the best chance to start the collapsing dominoes, eradicating the US Collective and its ruling, murderous death cult, once and for all. The slim margin of defeat of the secession proposal would seem to encourage further efforts in the future. In the meantime, secessionists should do whatever they can to keep such an idea in mainstream discussion.

Why bother proposing and initiating such nonsensical projects as a “convention of states” to tweak a document, written by minds far superior to the dregs that replace them today, and faithfully hoping that this prevents future failings?

Why bother listening to decades old pleas for individual “involvement,” consuming still more time and resources of individuals? Why should such individuals repeatedly sacrifice to reform and influence a federal system that repeatedly ignores them?

Why waste time and resources to “fix what’s broken in Washington, DC?” What better way to “take control” than to make decisions from the state and local level where there is much better hope of finding agreement among homogenous populations that tend to share values and goals.

Finally, ask yourself this question: Why does Texas or any other state need a “US?”

Look what being part of the US gives us now:

Endless war, ever increasing spying, destruction of the currency, wasteful spending, unpayable debt, bailout protection of thieving banksters, constant looting of our individual wealth, and depraved edicts from the throne that regulate every private minutiae of your life. I’m sure you can immediately think of still more “abuses and usurpations” to add to this list

Looking to the future, what better way than state secession to begin a “succession of secessions,” each one creating an ever smaller ruling entity until each individual is sovereign? Each secession will reveal to individuals how little or not at all they need political “leaders” to organize their lives; “leaders” who prove themselves nothing more than thugs with guns, enforcing their role of self-appointed gatekeepers to individual lives, liberties, thoughts, and futures. Such anachronisms as “nation states” and “rulers” will become a distant, bad memory, only to be examined historically as how not to order a society.

The post Terrified of Secession appeared first on LewRockwell.

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