The Cold, Cold Monster Strikes Again

I could write a book about the Orlando shooting, its antecedents and its exploitation by the Progressive State of America.  Alas, that won’t be necessary.  If you understand two key concepts, you can unravel the whole puzzle very quickly.  If you don’t understand them, you will be quickly swept out to sea by a progressive rip tide, not ever knowing what hit you.

First, the government creates its own demand.  Second, once you understand what progressivism is, you then immediately understand how progs robotically react to each new crisis.

The government is perhaps the least understood institution because so far as we are led to believe, it always existed, must always exist and no alternative to it can possibly be imagined.  Further, the words used to describe it and what it does do not remotely convey the true facts. Because the state’s existence is never questioned anymore than we question the existence of air, water or soil, the plethora of problems caused by the state are rarely if ever recognized, let alone delineated and evaluated.  We don’t even have a concept or a word for them, an oversight I hope to cure in my next book.

Thus, with Orlando, the alleged need for stricter gun control was discussed within a few hours of the shooting and before the details of the attack were known.  Private gun owners are ideal scapegoats for progressives as they are non-governmental entities.  There was virtually no mention in the mainstream media of how various government policies may have caused or contributed to the mass shooting, for example, American intervention in the Middle East for the last 100 years.  Nor was there any real discussion of non-governmental solutions such as arming more citizens with handguns.  Apparently, few of the people inside the bar were armed, a fact the shooter presumably counted on.

So far, the state and the sociopaths who run it have escaped all responsibility for their contribution to the tragedy in Orlando.  On the contrary, they openly and brazenly blame those who played no role in the shooting at all, for the purpose of seizing ever more power and money from their victims.

I will let Nietzsche have the final word on all this: “A state? What is that? Well! Open now your ears to me, for now, I will speak to you about the death of peoples. The state is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth: ‘I, the state, am the people.’”

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

The post The Cold, Cold Monster Strikes Again appeared first on LewRockwell.

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