The Wisdom of Wheatbelly

For the better part of a year, I haven’t felt like myself. I was lethargic, depressed and always on the verge of catching the latest virus circulating around, even though I was taking supplements and eating a healthy diet. After having enough of feeling crappy all the time, I took a food allergy test and found out I had a food intolerance to dairy, gluten, and a few other food types.

For years I had heard of people talking about the Wheat Belly book and thought it was impossible to live that healthy of a lifestyle. Well, folks, my time had come. Long story short, after eliminating gluten out for 30 days, I felt so much better and even lost 15 pounds! While losing weight wasn’t the objective of my elimination diet, I felt so much healthier simply by removing this food types.

A New Way to Eat Garden Fresh Salads

The post The Wisdom of Wheatbelly appeared first on LewRockwell.

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