Totalitarian Schemers and Their Open Borders

“Those who support multiculturalism .  .  . realize that if they are to transform Western societies into strictly regulated, racial-feminist bureaucracies they must first undermine those societies.”

–Frank Ellis

At the outset of his administration, President Bill Clinton famously declared that “the era of big government is over.”  He then did everything in his power to prove that to be yet another of his slick lies.  At the outset of her administration, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a one-time East German “communist youth leader,” famously declared that “multiculturalism has been a failure.”  She then did everything in her power to prove what a Big Lie that was, most notoriously by inviting millions of Third World, Muslim immigrants (mostly young men) into her country, lavishly subsidizing them, giving them sex education lessons, and intimidating, censoring, or threatening to punish critics of her policies.

itself.  This all started some thirty years ago, around the time of the worldwide collapse of socialism.  An opening “salvo” in this war was when the odious race hustler Jesse Jackson traveled to Stanford University to lead a mob of students in the chant, “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Civ Has Got to Go.”  Stanford University dropped Western civilization as a requirement in 1988, and hundreds of other universities followed suit.  Stanford students were no longer to be taught about Western literature, culture, or institutions except for politically-correct denunciations of it by uneducated frauds with degrees in “women’s studies” and the like.  Instead, they are now bombarded with the alleged virtues of “diversity,” diversity, diversity, diversity, and a relentless promotion of government-enforced “equality” of all types.  The most vulgar, f-bomb-laced “rap” lyric chants are said to be of equal cultural value to the Bible and Shakespeare, for example.

On the other coast around the same time, the Bass family of Texas donated $20 million to their alma mater, Yale University, with the intent of having the university fund a few endowed chairs in Western civilization for Yale students.  The Bass family was blindsided when the faculty protested so vehemently that Yale gave the money back.

The importation of millions of (easy-to-corral politically) Third-World immigrants from alien cultures is best understood as the natural result of this decades-long plan by the Marxist left, the leftovers of communism and their intellectual progeny, to destroy Western civilization.  They do not care a whit what it will be replaced with as long as it is accompanied by more and more totalitarian control of society – everything from the banning of privately-owned fire arms, to more pervasive regulation of businesses, a complete government takeover of schooling, government-funded “sex-change” surgery, and state mandates regarding who may and may not pee in the ladies rooms.

The new hordes of Third World immigrants are meant to be the “soldiers” in this war who are expected to provide all the political support needed because: 1) they will be bought off with welfare; and 2) they will remain ignorant of the importance of a free society and the ideas taken from Western civilization that support it, thanks to the PC-ization of education.  That’s the plan, anyway.  Will we allow these neo-communists to destroy our country and our civilization?

The post Totalitarian Schemers and Their Open Borders appeared first on LewRockwell.

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