Two Systems Are Before the World

“The aim of the exercise is clear,” said Polish President Andrzej Duda. “We are preparing for an attack.”

The United States population is unaware of the two most important geopolitical factors on the planet. On the one hand, there are the ongoing moves toward global general thermonuclear war, and on the other, the potential to unleash the greatest period of global economic growth in human history. The above statement by the Polish president, in regard to the recent 50,000 troop strong NATO exercise “Anakonda 16” simulating an invasion of Russia, shows the desperation of Wall St. and London, who are moving to provoke a war of annihilation with Russia and China.

There is a pathway for a future of human progress—but it is being set completely outside of the United States—as our political process continues to be strangled by the failed Wall Street monetary system and its panoply of popular circuses and corporate media.  To the contrary, the recent St. Petersburg Economic Forum in Russia which Obama attempted to sabotage, was a total success, bringing in $12 billion of economic agreements among 40 countries, with high-level European leaders in attendance calling for an end to Russian sanctions and war provocations.  Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated at the conference, “We have a lot of other problems and we cannot afford to suffer because of these artificially created problems.  And the strongest should reach out a hand, because the strongest player is Russia, represented by President Putin.”  

What much of the world has already recognized, is that national interest is not based on military aggression or economic warfare, but on the provision of a future for one’s population, including through international collaboration, for increasing living standards and better technologies, as provided by new insights into the universe.  Fundamental to this developmental process, is the space program.  

Lyndon LaRouche has pointed to space pioneer Kraft Ehricke as having “created the very idea of a space program.” Ehricke was solely committed to the principle of progress, and refuted the no-change naysayers, stating, “a no-growth philosophy, which asks human beings to live with less of everything, can regress us to the Middle Ages because a dog-eat-dog fight is bound to break out under such conditions… Life shows us that technological advancement is the road to take.  But based on these technological advances, our species and civilization must advance also.  Then we can proceed.”

Russia, China, India, and others, have recognized the inevitable, miserable result of “no-growth” geopolitics, and rejected it, demonstrating commitment to economic projects and space technology which will advance the physical economy and happiness of mankind.  The Kra Canal in Thailand, the improved Suez Canal in Egypt, the Mekong River development, new rail lines in Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Chabahar Port in Iran, are just a few of these.  Recently, China has invited international cooperation on their future space station. The Deputy of China’s Manned Space Program, Ms. Wu Ping recently told the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space regarding new space station agreements, “Space exploration is the common dream and wish of humankind. We believe that the implementation of the agreements will definitely promote international cooperation on space exploration, and create opportunities for United Nations Member States, particularly developing countries, to take part in, and benefit from, the utilization of China’s space station.” Russia and China also recently announced fully comprehensive space collaboration. Russia’s Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov explained in a recent interview, “I would emphasize cooperation in outer space activity as a whole rather than a specific delivery of a batch of goods. The point is not to deliver specific equipment but to organize long-term mutually advantageous cooperation of the sides, which are objectively close to each other from the viewpoint of technical and technological compatibility.”

This is the way to the future.  While the United States is plagued by suicide, drug addiction, mass shootings, and economic disintegration, a majority of mankind is moving on to the next level.  The London-Wall St. financial system is dead.  You have only one choice.  War, terror, and economic despair on the one side, or, we dump Obama and everything he represents, and claim a future fit for mankind.

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