Why Learn Morse Code?

This article is about Morse code and why, as a prepper,you should learn just a smattering for survival purposes.  Before you groan, hear me out.

In the event there is a catastrophic end of the world event, the grid will be down and you will need to communicate your location and your status.  With a few simple Morse code signals, you will have the ability to summon help or to tell the world you are okay.  You will be able to communicate with your peers using signal mirrors, flashlight beams, handheld radios, and even simple, DIY devices.

Practical Reasons to Learn Morse Code | Backdoor Survival

And that is just one example.  As you will learn there are many practical reasons to learn Morse code.  To help you get a grasp on those reasons, I have enlisted my BFF and radio guru, George Ure, to give you some real life scenarios in part one of the series “Morse Code: Becoming a Digital Human”.

Morse Code: Becoming a Digital Human

Oh, sure, it’s true:  On a Jay Leno show a few years back a couple of Morse code operators were matched up with the world’s fastest texters.  If you haven’t seen the video, check it out.

The post Why Learn Morse Code? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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