You Have the Keys to Stop the Terror Wave: Use Them!

The mass murder rampage in Orlando, Florida by alleged Islamic State follower Omar Mateen is but the latest in a series of horrific terrorist attacks that all flow from a thirty-year-old “oil deal” between the British and Saudi monarchies. That deal has given them great power and great hidden resources to create today’s global jihadist apparatus, for attacks against nations.

Until and unless that Anglo-Saudi apparatus is exposed – as we can do with the exposure of the 9/11 documents kept secret for 15 years — and dismantled, the world will face blind terrorist attacks constantly, in any locale at any time.

President Obama became a knowing and willing agent of the British and Saudis in his perpetual wars, which have spread chaos across the Mideast and North Africa, and terrorism across the world.

What a “coincidence” that Obama is meeting today with Saudi Crown Prince Salman in Washington, while his CIA Director, William Brennan, is going all out to try to “exonerate” Saudi Arabia from its role in setting up the 9/11 attacks and killing 3,000 Americans. Both Obama and Prince Salman meet with bloody hands.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche noted today that he has been aware of this British/Saudi power for evil for decades; and that that contributed to his making a very public, published warning back on Jan. 2, 2001 that a major terrorist attack on the United States was threatened in the Fall of 2001.

“We are still dealing with the same case, even in yesterday’s mass murder in Orlando,” LaRouche said.

The young Orlando killer had spent nearly two years in Saudi Arabia in 2011-12, employed by the British international security firm G4S, and came back an apparently very changed personality.

LaRouche emphasized that because Obama’s wars are leading immediately now into a confrontation with Russia, and threatening World War III, it is essential to expose the Saudi/British hands — starting with 9/11 — and force Obama out.

The ‘Deal’ That Launched 1,000 Attacks

In 1985, Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, entered into a long-term partnership with the British government of then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Under the cover of an oil-for-weapons agreement called Al Yamamah (Arabic for “the dove”), the British and Saudi monarchies established an offshore fund which grew to huge proportions, and has been used for conducting global terrorism against targeted nations.

During the more than 30 years since Al Yamamah was launched, the British and Saudi monarchies have amassed well-over $100 billion in a string of offshore secret funds, to finance terrorism, assassinations, coup plots and other crimes like the current Saudi/British/U.S. invasion and bombing of Yemen.

Under Al Yamamah, the British arms manufacturer BAE Systems provided an estimated $40 billion in weapons to the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, and an additional estimated $20 billion in bribes to Saudi princes and defense officials. In return, the Saudis provided 600,000 barrels of oil per day to the British. Through the Anglo-Dutch oil giants British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell, the oil was sold on the international spot markets, generating hundreds of billions of dollars in profits. An EIR study in 2007 estimated that at minimum, $100 billion in excess funds were amassed and deposited in offshore secret bank accounts for use in joint Anglo-Saudi covert operations.

In an official biography, Prince Bandar boasted of using these covert funds, and of the special nature of the Al Yamamah deal, which could have only been carried out between two absolute monarchies that could act above the law and blur the distinctions between public and private actions.

ISIS, in other words, has definitely NOT been the world’s richest Islamist terrorist operation.

In 2007, when British media conducted a limited expose of the Al Yamamah bribery scandal, Prime Minister Tony Blair shut down the investigation by Britain’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO), on the grounds that the Anglo-Saudi partnership was essential to British national security. The shut-down order came within hours of a decision by the Swiss government to allow the SFO access to the secret bank accounts of Wafiq Said, a front man for the Al Yamamah funds.

The Al Yamamah deal was a lucrative transaction for Prince Bandar, who received a commission for his role in launching the program of at least $2 billion (US intelligence sources estimate that Bandar received in excess of $10 billion on the deal).

In the Matter of 3,000 Americans Killed

Bandar is directly implicated in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Funds from the personal bank account of Bandar and his wife Princess Haifa (sister of Saudi intelligence longtime director Prince Turki al-Faisal) were passed to two of the original 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, through Saudi intelligence officers Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Basnan. Funds went from the Bank of England accounts of the British Ministry of Defense’s Defense Export Support Office (DESO) to Bandar’s account at Riggs National Banks. In addition, al-Bayoumi and Basnan received funding through a ghost employment with a Saudi defense firm, Dalah Aviation, which was a sole contractor for the Saudi Defense Ministry.

A Federal Judge in Sarasota, Fla. is now reviewing over 80,000 pages of suppressed FBI documents, dealing with a Sarasota cell of the 9/11 hijackers and its links to a prominent Saudi wealthy businessman with strong ties to the Saudi Monarchy. Weeks before the 9/11 attacks, the Saudi family residing in a gated community in Sarasota abruptly left the country. They left possessions behind indicating that they were leaving on very short notice. The FBI conducted a lengthy investigation into the family because they hosted three of the 9/11 hijackers, including ring-leader Mohammed Atta on many occasions, according to security logs and video camera footage, showing Atta and the others entering and leaving the compound.

The FBI concealed the documents and the fact of the investigation from the Joint Inquiry and the 9/11 Commission. Former Sen. Bob Graham, who co-chaired the Joint Inquiry, now insists that the existence of the Saudi Royals links to the Sarasota cell, when added to the evidence of the Saudi government support for the San Diego cell, raises further questions about the 9/11 attack. What about Herndon, Virginia and Paterson, New Jersey, Sen. Graham has publicly asked?

A 47-page document prepared by the two 9/11 Commission staffers who had earlier worked for the Joint Inquiry and had written the 28 page suppressed chapter, identified a total of 20 Saudi officials with proven ties to the 19 hijackers prior to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Those links went from southern California to the Saudi Embassy in Washington to the Saudi Embassy in Berlin, Germany. Former Secretary of the Navy John Lehman, a member of the 9/11 Commission, told 60 Minutes that the Commission did not conduct an exhaustive investigation into the leads that should have been pursued related to the Saudi Monarchy and Saudi regime support for the hijackers. Lehman, among other commissioners, has called for a top-to-bottom new investigation into 9/11—one in which all of the suppressed leads and open trails to the Saudi Royals are pursued fully.

Over the thirty-plus years of the Al Yamamah program, funds have gone through these offshore secret accounts, as well as through Saudi charities to finance a global network of mosques and madrasas that have recruited generations to the extreme Wahhabi/Salafist apparatus that is the recruiting pool for Sunni jihadi terrorism worldwide.

What To Do

The evidence contained in the still-classified 28-page chapter from the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, opens the door to unraveling the entire Anglo-Saudi terror operation. Without an understanding of the role of the British Monarchy and the British intelligence services in the jihad apparatus, it is impossible to shut down the capabilities.

The CIA Director insisted in an interview on Sunday that American’s “should not believe” that 28-page chapter, which he fears is about to be forced out, declassified. But one Republican member of Congress retorted in a tweet, “The CIA Director must be referring to a different 28 pages than the ones I read. Release them and let the American people decide.” You have the means in your hands to counterattack this British/Saudi operation. Use them. Force the Saudi evidence out. Force Obama out. “This must be done quickly,” LaRouche said today, “to prevent further destruction internationally.”

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