1 Good Guy With a Gun

Originally published by AmmoLand.com.

New Hampshire – Not only has this happened before (and before that, and before that, and so on …), but events last week in South Carolina presented just one more example of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun.

During an altercation outside a club, a man pulled a gun and began firing indiscriminately into a crowd of onlookers. The bad guy struck no less than three innocent people before one of the innocents who was taking fire was able to use his legally carried firearm to stop the madness. The good guy wounded the would-be mass shooter before he was able to actually kill anyone. Fortunately, all of the shooter’s victims will survive, but if all of those club-goers had taken the left’s advice on personal protection, some would surely be dead.

It’s true: what was about to develop into another tragic mass shooting was instead cut short by a good guy with a gun. One thing of important note about this incident is that it did not occur in a “self-protection-free zone”

The post 1 Good Guy With a Gun appeared first on LewRockwell.

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