52 Million U.S. Adults Each Week Take Drugs, Including Tylenol and Midol, That May Reduce Empathy

‘Is it possible that an incredibly common drug ingredient has side effects most users would never expect? A new study suggests that acetaminophen, an ingredient in more than 600 different over-the-counter and prescription medications, makes those who take it not only less sensitive to their own pain, but less empathic to physical and social pain suffered by others. An active ingredient in a slew of brands including Tylenol, Midol, Robitussin, NyQuil, Percocet and Vicodin, acetaminophen is present in drugs taken by 23 percent, or 52 million U.S. adults each week, according to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association.
These new findings contribute to a number of recent studies that suggest there’s plenty about acetaminophen we still don’t know.’
Read more: 52 Million U.S. Adults Each Week Take Drugs, Including Tylenol and Midol, That May Reduce Empathy

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